Kuching of the Little Red Dot 小红点之猫

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Who Pays for This? 是谁出的钱?

Do you see that one side of the cat's ear has been tipped? When you see a stray cat with a tipped ear, it means that the cat has been neutered/spayed. Do you know who pays for the sterilisation of these stray cats (also known as community cats)?

Recently I spoke to 2 ladies, one of which was my colleague who is in her mid-twenties and another, who is the owner of an art and craft shop and she is probably in her early fifties. And......I was appalled when they told me that the sterilsation of the stray cats in our Little Red Dot was done and paid for by the government.

This is truly a misconception. These cats were sterilised and taken care of by a group of dedicated caregivers who put in their own money and time to feed and sterilised them. This group of caregivers comprised of people from all walks of life including professionals, white collars office workers to the blue collars workers and non-working housewives and elderly.

Other than the vet fee, the cost of sterilising a cat would include transportation to and fro as well as boarding the cat (especially the females) for recuperation. Some caregivers may get reimbursement of the sterilisation fee from animals welfare groups such as the Cats Welfare Society or SPCA but they still have to pay for transportation and boarding out of their own pockets.




